Quality attributes of roasted Arabica coffee oil extracted by pressing: composition, antioxidant activity, sun protection factor and other physical and chemical parameters





Coffee Arabica, Diterpenes, Tocopherols, Volatile compounds


This research reports a comprehensive characterization of the composition profile and physical and chemical characteristics of roasted Arabica coffee oil obtained by mechanical pressing. The oil presented a peroxide value of 3.21 meq·kg-1 and an acid value of 7.3 mg KOH·g-1. A higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (58%), predominantly linoleic (L) and palmitic (P) acids, was observed; PLL and PLP were estimated as the main triacylglycerols. The oil was characterized by high contents in diterpenes and tocopherols (3720 and 913 mg·100g-1, respectively), the presence of caffeine and chlorogenic acids, as well as a high sun protection factor (9.7) and ABTS free radical-scavenging capacity (12.5 mg Trolox·mL-1). Among the 35 volatile compounds studied, furfurythiol and pyrazines were the main components of the oil. These properties showed that roasted coffee oil has good potential for use in food and cosmetics.


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How to Cite

Böger B, Mori A, Viegas M, Benassi M. Quality attributes of roasted Arabica coffee oil extracted by pressing: composition, antioxidant activity, sun protection factor and other physical and chemical parameters. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2021Mar.3 [cited 2024Apr.16];72(1):e394. Available from: https://grasasyaceites.revistas.csic.es/index.php/grasasyaceites/article/view/1868


