Influence of the deep fat frying process on the lipid profile of the fat contained in the “french” type fried potato using palm olein
Deep frying, Palm olein, Polar compoundsAbstract
The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the influence of certain variables of the process of deep fat frying on the lipid profile of the fat fraction of the potato type “french” (Solanum tuberosum) using palm oil. This marked the first fat fraction of both the processing type and the oil used, through the evaluation of various physicochemical parameters, using the method of AOAC and the Standard COVENIN. We identified variables that influenced the process during frying of potatoes, using an experimental design of type 3 * 22, evaluating factors such as the reuse of the matrix fat (1st, the 4th and the 8th fry), temperature (150° and 180 °C) and method of food peeling (chemical and manual), studying the content of polar compounds as an indicator of the deterioration of the fat present in the potato, finding that oil reuse and peeling method significantly influenced in a positive manner, and that the temperature has a negative influence on the absorption of polar compounds in potato chips (α: 0.05).
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