Quantification of rice bran oil in oil blends


  • R. Mishra Food Engineering and Technology Department. Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology
  • H. K. Sharma Food Engineering and Technology Department. Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology
  • G. Sengar Food Engineering and Technology Department. Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology




HPLC, Oryzanol, Rice bran oil quantification, Ultrasonic velocity


Blends consisting of physically refined rice bran oil (PRBO): sunflower oil (SnF) and PRBO: safflower oil (SAF) in different proportions were analyzed for various physicochemical parameters. The quantification of pure rice bran oil in the blended oils was carried out using different methods including gas chromatographic, HPLC, ultrasonic velocity and methods based on physico-chemical parameters. The physicochemical parameters such as ultrasonic velocity, relative association and acoustic impedance at 2 MHz, iodine value, palmitic acid content and oryzanol content reflected significant changes with increased proportions of PRBO in the blended oils. These parameters were selected as dependent parameters and % PRBO proportion was selected as independent parameters. The study revealed that regression equations based on the oryzanol content, palmitic acid composition, ultrasonic velocity, relative association, acoustic impedance, and iodine value can be used for the quantification of rice bran oil in blended oils. The rice bran oil can easily be quantified in the blended oils based on the oryzanol content by HPLC even at a 1% level. The palmitic acid content in blended oils can also be used as an indicator to quantify rice bran oil at or above the 20% level in blended oils whereas the method based on ultrasonic velocity, acoustic impedance and relative association showed initial promise in the quantification of rice bran oil.


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How to Cite

Mishra R, Sharma HK, Sengar G. Quantification of rice bran oil in oil blends. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2012Mar.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];63(1):53-60. Available from: https://grasasyaceites.revistas.csic.es/index.php/grasasyaceites/article/view/1354


