A fat quality index (FQI) proposal
Butter, Fat Quality Index, FQI, Margarine, Standard regulations, VegetableAbstract
This paper presents the concept of the fat quality index (FQI), which is based and established in pursuancet of the current food regulations. It is a numerical value representing the correlated information of all parameters that provide the definition of fat according to the international guidelines. With the implementation of this index, it is possible to compare different types of fats using a single numerical value, which facilitates the elucidation of the effects of treatment processes or origins of fats. The FQI includes all the parameters considered in the regulations by incorporating a sub-index for each parameter and using the minimum and maximum limit values to model and adjust an equation describing the quality of fat according to the standard. Finally, the procedure is used to obtain indices based on other experimental works that assessed the quality of fat samples produced under different operating conditions, treatment, origin or processes, allowing for better comparison and evaluation. Therefore, this index is an excellent analytical tool for assessing the quality of fats from different origins for human consumption.
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