Fatty acids, bioactive substances, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Ankyropetalum spp., a novel source of nervonic acid





Ankyropetalum, Antimicrobial activity, Antioxidant activity, Fatty acid, Nervonic acid


Ankyropetalum extracts were obtained by using two different extractors (Soxhlet and ultrasonic bath). The phenol, flavonoid, DPPH, FRAP, and antimicrobial activity properties of the extracts were investigated. In addition, the fatty acid composition was determined in GC-MS. High values were found in A. reuteri and A. gypsophiloides for total phenolic and flavonoid contents, respectively. DPPH and FRAP values were high in A. arsusianum and A. gypsophiloides, respectively. Better results were obtained by using methanol as the solvent and soxhlet as the extractor. The results showed that the extracts seem to be reasonably effective against test organisms including clinical isolates. The most promising results were obtained with all species USB extracts against Candida parapsilosis. It is notable that the levels of nervonic acid in A. arsusianum and A. reuteri reached 40%. Unlike other sources of nervonic acid in the world, the absence of erucic acid in plant oil increases the value of these plants.


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How to Cite

Comlekcioglu N, Kutlu M. Fatty acids, bioactive substances, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Ankyropetalum spp., a novel source of nervonic acid. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2021Feb.24 [cited 2025Feb.22];72(1):e399. Available from: https://grasasyaceites.revistas.csic.es/index.php/grasasyaceites/article/view/1860




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Kahramanmaraş Sütçü Imam Üniversitesi
Grant numbers 2016/3-25YLS