Grasas y Aceites is a scientific journal published by CSIC and edited by the Instituto de la Grasa, peer-reviewed and devoted to the publication of original articles concerning the broad field of lipids, especially edible fats and oils from different origins, including non acyl lipids from microbial origin relevant to the food industry. It publishes full research articles, research notes, reviews as well as information on references, patents, and books.

The journal publishes original articles on basic or practical research, as well as review articles on lipid related topics in food science and technology, biology, (bio)chemistry, medical science, nutrition, (bio)technology, processing and engineering. Topics at the interface of basic research and applications are encouraged. Manuscripts related to by-products from the oil industry and the handling and treatment of the wastewaters are also welcomed.

Topics of special interest:

-Lipid analysis, including sensory analysis
-Oleochemistry, including lipase modified lipids
-Biochemistry and molecular biology of lipids, including genetically modified oil crops and micro-organisms
-Lipids in health and disease, including functional foods and clinical studies
-Technical aspects of oil extraction and refining
-Processing and storage of oleaginous fruit, especially olive pickling
-Agricultural practices in oil crops, when affecting oil yield or quality

Founded in 1950 it began to be available online in 2007, in PDF format, maintaining printed edition until 2014. That year it became an electronic journal publishing in PDF, HTML and XML-JATS. Contents of previous issues are also available in PDF files.

Grasas y Aceites is indexed in Web of Science: Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI), Current Contents - Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences and BIOSIS Previews; SCOPUS, CWTS Leiden Ranking (Journal indicators) Core publication, REDIB, DOAJ and other national and international databases. It is indexed in Latindex Catalogue 2.0 and has obtained the FECYT Seal of Quality.

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Current Issue

Vol. 75 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-30


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