Panel training programme for the Protected Designation of Origin “Aceituna Aloreña de Malaga”


  • H. Galán-Soldevilla Universidad de Córdoba. Departamento de Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos
  • P. Ruiz Pérez-Cacho Universidad de Córdoba. Departamento de Bromatología y Tecnología de los Alimentos



Olives, Sensory analysis


A training programme (52 h) was developed for the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Aceituna Aloreña de Málaga quality certification panel. Recruiting of the panel was done by personal interview with open questions between producers and technicians of the product and seven tests were submitted to potential candidates during the selection step (4h). Training was done in two stages: a basic training period (12h) in which the assessors developed their sensory memory and improved their aptitude for detecting, recognizing and describing the sensory stimuli and a specific training period (36 h), in which the sample preparation, test conditions and the sensory profile were established. The specific training finished when the evaluation method and requirements of the Aloreña olives for the PDO were established and the panel work as a whole. 9 positive descriptors were analyzed in order to characterize Aloreña table olives: 4 for odor (fruity, green, seasoning and lactic), 2 for aroma (fruit and seasoning), 2 for basic tastes (acid and bitter) and 1 for texture (crunchy). The Aloreña olive from Málaga is characterized by its fruity and seasoning odor and aroma, bitter taste and crunchy texture.


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How to Cite

Galán-Soldevilla H, Ruiz Pérez-Cacho P. Panel training programme for the Protected Designation of Origin “Aceituna Aloreña de Malaga”. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2012Mar.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];63(1):109-17. Available from:




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