Studies on the hypolipidemic effects of Coconut oil when blended with Tiger nut oil and fed to albino rats


  • A. M. El-Anany Special Food & Nutrition Department, Food Technology Research Institute; Agricultural Research Center
  • R. F. M. Ali Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University



Albino rats, Blood lipid, Coconut, Fatty acids, Hypercholesterolemia, Oil blends, Tiger nut


Hyperlipidemia is a predominant risk factor for atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The international guidelines issued by the World Health Organization recommend a reduction in dietary saturated fat and cholesterol intake as a means to prevent hypercholesterolemia and CVD. The main objective of the current investigation was to evaluate the effects of feeding blended oils consisting of coconut oil (CNO) with different proportions of Tiger nut oil (TNO) on serum lipid levels in Albino rats. GLC analysis was performed to illustrate the fatty acid composition of the blended oils. Blended oils were obtained by mixing tiger nut oil with coconut oil at the volume ratios of 100:0, 70:30, 50:50, 25:75, 10:90 and 0:100. Fifty-six male albino rats were randomly divided into 7 groups of 8 rats each according to the oil type. The blended oils were fed to rats for a period of up to 10 weeks. Total cholesterol (T-Ch), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-Ch), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-Ch), and triglycerides (TG), were determined. The atherogenic Index (AI) was calculated. The results showed that non-significant changes in all nutritional parameters were observed between the control group and the rats fed with the tested oils. The results also indicate that coconut oil had 86% saturated fatty acids. On TNO contains 66% oleic acid. Therefore, blending coconut oil with tiger nut oil can reduce the proportions of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in CNO. The rats that were fed blended oils showed significantly reduced levels of serum cholesterol as compared to those fed CNO. The HDL levels were marginally enhanced in the rats that were fed blended oils. The total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels were controlled when TNO/CNO proportions varied between 25/75 and 70/30. This was reflected in the calculation of the atherogenic index. Similar changes were observed with serum triglyceride levels.


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How to Cite

El-Anany AM, Ali RFM. Studies on the hypolipidemic effects of Coconut oil when blended with Tiger nut oil and fed to albino rats. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2012Sep.30 [cited 2024Jul.27];63(3):303-12. Available from:


