Influence of pre-sowing treatments by gamma rays on growth, yield and some chemical constituents of Sesamum indicum L.
Amino acids, Fatty acid, γ- rays, Minerals, Oil content, SesameAbstract
The present work aims to improve the quantity and quality of seeds and/or seed oil by using low doses of radiation. Sesame seeds were exposed to γ- rays at levels of 30, 60 and 90 Gy. The results show that 30, 60 and 90 Gy doses activated most of growth and yield parameters significantly (weight of plant, number of capsules, weight of capsules/plant and weight of seeds/plant), with 60 Gy being the best dose. With regard to the total oil percentage in the produced crops, few changes have been observed, which did not reach the level of significance. The amount of unsaturated fatty acid (18:1, omega 9) was increase by 10.5% at a 30 Gy dose followed by 60 Gy (1.1%). The total of amino acid content showed that 30 Gy dose recorded the highest value (350.4 mg·g−1) followed by 60 Gy (285.6 mg·g−1) as compared to the control value (254.4 mg·g−1). The values of phosphorus, potassium magnesium and iron which represent the major minerals in sesame seeds were increased in the irradiated samples.
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