Production of lipids and natural antioxidants from passion fruit seeds




Natural antioxidants, Passiflora alata, Passiflora setacea, Passiflora tenuifila, Phenolic compounds, Sustainable technology


The wild passion fruit species Passiflora setacea, Passiflora alata, and Passiflora tenuifila are native to the Brazilian biomass. The seed waste generated from the extraction of passion fruit juice contains functional polyunsaturated fatty acids and phenolic compounds. The aims of this study were to obtain lipids and natural antioxidants from passion fruit seeds. Passion seed oils were extracted using a lab-scale continuous press and their oxidative stability was evaluated using the Rancimat® method. Higher antioxidant extract capacity was observed when using an ethanol-water solution (70:30) at 45 ºC. In these cases, the total phenolic contents expressed as gallic acid equivalents from P. setacea, P. alata, and P. tenuifila cakes were approximately 1800, 600 and 900 mg·100g−1 of extract. Induction periods increased up to two-fold when adding these extracts to their respective seed oil. Therefore, passion fruit seed extract can contribute to increasing the oxidative stability of polyunsaturated oils.


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How to Cite

Reis CC, Mamede AM, Soares A, Freitas SP. Production of lipids and natural antioxidants from passion fruit seeds. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2020Dec.4 [cited 2025Feb.22];71(4):e385. Available from:




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