Olive and olive pomace oil packing and marketing


  • José Linares Grupo SOS
  • Manuel García Palma Grupo SOS
  • Mariano Iñigo Grupo SOS
  • José Manuel García Grupo SOS
  • Juan Berzosa Grupo SOS




Filling, Marketing, Olive oil, Packing, Traceability


The paper describes the industrial installations and equipments used by the olive oil sector for olive oil packing, the different types of containers used (plastic, glass, tin, and carton), and the diverse technologies applied for filling, stoppering, labelling, and packing as well as the trend and new technologies developed according to the material of the containers and the markets’ demands.

Some logistic aspects such as palletization, storage, and shipment of final products are also discussed. The use of modern tools and codification systems like EAN 128 permits to follow the product distribution and assure the traceability of packed oils.

The last part of the article includes the world and EU production and consumption of olive oil, paying special attention to the peculiarities of the main EU producers (Spain, Italy, Greece, and Portugal). Finally, the olive oil consumption in third countries is analysed and the consumption and its trend in merging markets like USA, Australia, and Japan commented.


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How to Cite

Linares J, García Palma M, Iñigo M, García JM, Berzosa J. Olive and olive pomace oil packing and marketing. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2006Mar.31 [cited 2025Feb.22];57(1):68-85. Available from: https://grasasyaceites.revistas.csic.es/index.php/grasasyaceites/article/view/23


