Study on jojoba oil hydrogenation


  • Alberto Willnecker Departamento de Tecnología Química, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
  • María C. Pramparo Departamento de Tecnología Química, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto



Hydrogenation, Iodine Value, Jojoba, Oil, Wax


Trials were cattied out on jojoba oil hydrogenation to study the effects of the main operative variable on iodine index and melting point. . A batch reactor with nickel catalysts was used. The effects selected for analysis were the reaction temperature, the operation pressure and the amount of catalyst.The range of temperature studied was 120-200ºC, the pressure was between 2 and 4 atm and the amount of catalyst ranged from 0.2 – 0.6% (percentage of catalyst mass over oil mass). The results showed that these three factors affected the reaction significantly; although temperature was the most influential in the progression of the reaction. In addition, the kinetic behavior was studied using a potential model of pseudo-first order and the corresponding kinetic parameters were obtained.


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How to Cite

Willnecker A, Pramparo MC. Study on jojoba oil hydrogenation. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2009Mar.30 [cited 2025Jan.22];60(1):48-54. Available from:


