Antimicrobial activity of Rhizobium sp. strains against Pseudomonas savastanoi, the agent responsible for the olive knot disease in Algeria


  • Mourad Kacem Univ. Oran Es-Senia
  • Fadhila Kazouz Univ. Oran Es-Senia
  • Chahinez Merabet Univ. Oran Es-Senia
  • Meriem Rezki Univ. Oran Es-Senia
  • Philippe de Lajudie Laboratoire des Symbioses Tropicales et Méditerranéennes (LSTM), Campus International de Baillarguet, Montpellier
  • Abdelkader Bekki Univ. Oran Es-Senia



Algeria, Antagonism, Bacteriocin, Biocontrol, Olives - Pseudomonas savastanoi, Rhizobium


In the present investigation, six Rhizobium strains isolated from Algerian soil were checked for their antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas savastanoi, the agent responsible for olive knot disease. Rhizobium sp. ORN 24 and ORN 83 were found to produce antimicrobial activities against Pseudomonas savastanoi. The antimicrobial activity produced by Rhizobium sp. ORN24 was precipitable with ammonium sulfate, between 1,000 and 10,000 KDa molecular weight, heat resistant but sensitive to proteases and detergents. These characteristics suggest the bacteriocin nature of the antimicrobial substance produced by Rhizobium sp. ORN24, named rhizobiocin 24. In contrast, the antimicrobial activity produced by Rhizobium sp. ORN83 was not precipitable with ammonium sulfate; it was smaller than 1,000 KDa molecular weight, heat labile, and protease and detergent resistant. These characteristics could indicate the relationship between the antimicrobial substance produced by Rhizobium sp. ORN 83 and the “small” bacteriocins described in other rhizobia.


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How to Cite

Kacem M, Kazouz F, Merabet C, Rezki M, de Lajudie P, Bekki A. Antimicrobial activity of Rhizobium sp. strains against Pseudomonas savastanoi, the agent responsible for the olive knot disease in Algeria. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2009Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.27];60(2):139-46. Available from:




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