U.V. spectra parameters to investigate the influences of intensifications of soybean with sorghum and maize on the physical properties of soybean seed oils


  • N. S. Elsark National Research Centre, Physics Department, Dokki Cairo
  • L. F. Rizk Agricultural Research Centre, Food Technology Research Institute, Giza
  • H. R. Doss Agricultural Research Centre, Food Technology Research Institute, Giza




Intercroping, Maize, Physical properties, Sorghum, Soybean, Soybean oil


Using U.V. spectra measurements as a tool to investigate the influences of intensifications or intercroping of crops on the physical properties of the constituents of the yielded grains or seeds. In this paper the authors used U.V. spectra measurement to deduce the effects of intensifications of Clark and Crowmord soybean varieties on some sorghum and maize varieties on the physical properties of the oils of the soybean seed varieties. Results of this work revealed that the highest U.V. spectra measurements at bands 270 nm, were 2.5 for the oils of Crowmord soybean seed variety intensificated on Giza 15 sorghum variety intensity 2:4 (2 rows soybean: 4 rows sorghum) and Giza 2, Hz 215 and Hz 310 maize varieties, intensity 2:2, 2:4, 2:4 and 2:2 respectively in the regions of spectra differences. The intensification of Clark and Crowmord soybean varieties on sorghum and maize is effective as the physical properties of their oils improved by increasing the cromophor and carotenoids compound levels.


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How to Cite

Elsark NS, Rizk LF, Doss HR. U.V. spectra parameters to investigate the influences of intensifications of soybean with sorghum and maize on the physical properties of soybean seed oils. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 1993Oct.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];44(4-5):243-8. Available from: https://grasasyaceites.revistas.csic.es/index.php/grasasyaceites/article/view/1073


