Effect of cell immobilization on the treatment of olive mill wastewater by a total phenols, acetic acid and formic acid degrading bacterium strain


  • Abdelghani El Asli School of Science & Engineering, Al Akhawayn University
  • Faouzi Errachidi Faculté des Sciences, Université Sidi Mohamed Benabdellah
  • Rhizlane Bennisse 3Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université Cadi Ayyad
  • Abdel-illah Qatibi 3Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université Cadi Ayyad
  • Mohamed Errami Faculté des Sciences, Université Abdelmalek Saadi




Aerobic degradation, Immobilization, Klebsiella oxytoca, Olive mill wastewater, Total phenol


Olive mill wastewater (OMW) is a pure vegetative by-product, containing a high organic and polyphenol content and is resistant to biodegradation. Its disposal lead to major environmental pollution problems in the Mediterranean basin. An aerobic bacterium was isolated from OMW. During three consecutive diluted and supplemented OMW treatment cycles, significant abatement of its phytotoxic substances was observed. In fact, total phenols, acetic and formic acids were reduced between 33 and 64 % when cells of the isolated bacterium were grown free; and between 62 and 78 % when cells of the same isolated bacterium were grown immobilized in a polyurethane sponge. These results suggest that the bacterium culture of the new isolate would decrease the OMW phytotoxicity. Phylogenetic analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA showed that all the related sequences are members of the Enterobacteriaceae family and revealed that the isolated bacterium was characterized as a Klebsiella oxytoca strain.


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How to Cite

El Asli A, Errachidi F, Bennisse R, Qatibi A- illah, Errami M. Effect of cell immobilization on the treatment of olive mill wastewater by a total phenols, acetic acid and formic acid degrading bacterium strain. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2005Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];56(2):116-20. Available from: https://grasasyaceites.revistas.csic.es/index.php/grasasyaceites/article/view/118


