Application of an edible coating developed with Andean potato starch and carboxymethyl-cellulose for lipid reduction during frying




Andean potato chips, Andean potato starch, Coating, Frying, Oil absorption


This work aimed to search for alternative uses for different varieties of Andean potatoes (Solanum tuberosum ssp andigenum) which have been reintroduced in north-western Argentina. Specifically, the development of simple and compound films made with hydrocolloids such as carboxymethyl-cellulose (CMC) and starch (S) extracted from Andean potatoes var. Runa, and its application as a cover in the deep frying of Andean potato chips var. Waycha was studied to minimize oil absorption. The effect of prior bleaching of the chips with different media was also evaluated: water, calcium chloride solution, and ascorbic acid. The coatings were applied to potatoes chips before being fried. The results showed that the type of oil used did not affect absorption by the chips. The bleaching treatments with calcium chloride and coating with S/CMC, showed a significant reduction in oil absorption (39.5 % ± 0.7), delayed its oxidation, and decreased the loss of tocopherols during the frying process. It also contributed to the physical and sensory characteristics of the final product, which presented high acceptability by consumers.


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How to Cite

Calliope S, Slavutsky A, Segura N, Samman N. Application of an edible coating developed with Andean potato starch and carboxymethyl-cellulose for lipid reduction during frying. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2023Dec.26 [cited 2024Jul.22];74(4):e529. Available from:




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