Effect of slaughtering conditions on lipid damage of chilled farmed turbot (Psetta maxima) muscle
Farming, Lipid damage, Ozone, Slaughtering, Slurry ice, TurbotAbstract
The aim of the present study was to comparatively evaluate the effect of different kinds of icing systems employed for the slaughtering and post-mortem storage of cultured turbot (Psetta maxima) on lipid damage (hydrolysis and oxidation). Slurry ice (SI) alone or in presence of ozone (OSI) was applied and compared to the traditional flake ice (FI) treatment. K value and trimethylamine (TMA) formation were also assessed. Some negative effects of ozone presence could be observed on primary and secondary lipid oxidation development; however, oxidation values reached by individuals kept under OSI condition could not be considered high and did not lead to polyunsaturated fatty acid content losses; while ozone presence provided a slowing down of TMA formation. When compared to FI conditions, the employment of SI was found useful to inhibit quality losses (K value and TMA formation), while no differences in lipid hydrolysis or oxidation development could be observed.
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