Production of pomace olive oil


  • Pedro Sánchez Moral Oleícola el Tejar. Ntra. Sra. de Araceli, SCA.
  • Mª Victoria Ruiz Méndez Instituto de la Grasa. CSIC



Drying, Physical extraction, Pomace olive oil, Processing, Solvent extraction


Pomace oil is the principal by-product in olive oil processing and is currently developing considerably due to the technological advances which the mills have undergone in recent years. This investigation aims at presenting an overview of the complexity of this sector which, with around 100 years of existence, is searching for a role in the new integral strategy of the olive oil industry after the crisis suffered in 2001. Physical extraction, drying and solvent extraction are discussed, along with the influence of the technological treatments on the chemical composition of pomace oil.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Moral P, Ruiz Méndez MV. Production of pomace olive oil. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2006Mar.31 [cited 2025Feb.22];57(1):47-55. Available from:




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