Soybean phospholipase D activity determination. A comparison of two methods


  • E. Tosi Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología de Alimentos (CIDTA), Facultad Regional Rosario - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
  • G. Ballerini Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología de Alimentos (CIDTA), Facultad Regional Rosario - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
  • E. Ré Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología de Alimentos (CIDTA), Facultad Regional Rosario - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional



Hydratable phosphatides, Non hydratable phosphatides, Phospholipase D, Phospholipase D activity, Soybean


Due to a discrepancy between previously published results, two methods to determine the soybean phospholipase D activity were evaluated. One method is based on the extraction of the enzyme from whole soybean flour, quantifying the enzyme activity on the extract. The other method quantifies the enzymatic activity on whole soybean flour without enzyme extraction. In the extraction-based-method, both the extraction time and the number of extractions were optimized. The highest phospholipase D activity values were obtained from the method without enzyme extraction. This method is less complex, requires less running-time and the conditions of the medium in which phospholipase D acts resemble the conditions found in the oil industry


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How to Cite

Tosi E, Ballerini G, Ré E. Soybean phospholipase D activity determination. A comparison of two methods. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2007Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];58(3):270-4. Available from:


