Analyses and evaluation of the main chemical components in different tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) genotypes




Fatty acid, Nicotine, Sugar, Tobacco


The nicotine, reducing sugar and ion contents from the threshing of tobacco can re-used from the industry. The crude oil and fatty oil compositions of tobacco seeds can be considered as an alternative source of raw material for biodiesel. In this study, the nicotine, reducing sugar content, crude oil, fatty acid composition and ion content were determined in 29 genotypes and 1 cultivar of tobacco. The genetic diversity was determined among the tobacco cultivar and genotypes base on examined properties. The nicotine content varied between 0.10-0.87%, reducing sugar ranged from 9.70-21.30%, crude oil varied between 24.33-47.00% and fatty acid compositions was found in the range of 77.94-100%. Linoleic (13.92-75.04%) and butyric (0.33-64.98%) acids were the major components. Overall, the BSR-5 (52.56 mg/g) and ESR-5 (44.58 mg/g) genotypes exhibited the highest potassium contents and ESR-7 (6.54 mg/g) and ESR-8 (1.28 mg/g) genotypes had the lowest chlorine contents. As a result of this study, the highest nicotine content, reducing sugar and crude oil of tobacco were found in ESR-4, ESR-11 and BSR-5 genotypes, respectively. The dendrogram analysis divided the tobacco into two main groups and most of the same origin genotypes fell into the same group. The results indicated that the different tobacco leaves and seeds can be evaluated as an alternative source in the industry as cigarettes, biodiesel and different industrial applications such as cosmetic, oil paints and varnishes based on their chemical properties.


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How to Cite

Camlica M, Yaldiz G. Analyses and evaluation of the main chemical components in different tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) genotypes. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2021Feb.24 [cited 2025Feb.23];72(1):e389. Available from:




Funding data

Abant Izzet Baysal Üniversitesi
Grant numbers BAP-2016.10.07.1090