The biodegradation of Olive Oil Mill Wastewaters by Sawdust and by a Phanerochaetae chrysosporium


  • M. Mebirouk Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs (E.M.I), Département Génie Minéral, Laboratoire de Biorémédiation
  • L. Sbai Ecole Mohammadia d’Ingénieurs (E.M.I), Département Génie Minéral, Laboratoire de Biorémédiation
  • M. Lopez Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Farmacia, Departemento de Nutricion y Bromatologia
  • J. Gonzalez Universidad de Granada, Instituto de Agua



Biodegradation, Decolorization, Olive mill wastewaters, Polyphenols, Sawdust


This paper discusses decolorization and chemical oxygen demand (COD) abatement in olive mill wastewaters (OMW) by Phanerochaetae chrysosporium grown in static, stirred and immobilized cultures. When P. Chrysosporium is used in cultures, no decolorization of crude OMW is observed. Decolorization occurs only after the removal of polyphenols by adsorption in sawdust, which allows a 39% polyphenol removal. The use of a High lignin peroxides (Lip) producing medium, yields the highest OMW decolorization and COD removal efficiencies. The use of P. Chrysosporium immobilized on polyurethane foam leads to significant abatements of OMW polluting characteristics. And COD abatement reached 70%. The reduction of polyphenols reached its highest level at 62%. A significant effluent decolorization is apparent.


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How to Cite

Mebirouk M, Sbai L, Lopez M, Gonzalez J. The biodegradation of Olive Oil Mill Wastewaters by Sawdust and by a Phanerochaetae chrysosporium. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2007Dec.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];58(4):366-71. Available from:


