Lipid metabolism in experimental animals


  • Francisco J. Sánchez-Muñiz Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatologia I (Nutrición). Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 28040-Madrid.
  • Carmen Cuesta Instituto de Nutrición y Bromatologia (GSIC). Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid.



Cell-damage markers, Digestion, Frying, Lipoprotein.


Publications are scarce in the way in chich metabolic processes are affected by the ingestion of heated fats used to prepare food. Similarly studies measuring metabolic effects of the consumption on fried food are poorly known. The purpose of this presentation is to summarize information on frying fats and frying foods upon lipid metabolism in experimental animals. Food consumption is equivalent or even higher when oils or the fat content of frying foods are poorly alterated decreasing their acceptability when their alteration degree increase. After 4hr. experiment the digestibility and absorption coefficients of a single dosis of thermooxidized oils were significantly decreased in rats, however the digestive utilization of frying thermooxidized oils included in diets showed very little change in comparison with unused oils by feeding trials on rats. Feeding rats different frying fats induced a slight hypercholesterolemic effect being the magnitude of this effect related to the linoleic decrease in diet produced by frying. However HDL, the main rat-cholesterol carrier, also increased, thus the serum cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio did not change. Results suggest that rats fed frying fats adapt their lipoprotein metabolism increasing the number of HDL particles. Deep fat frying deeply changed the fatty acid composition of foods, being possible to increase their n-9 or n-6 fatty acid and to decrease the saturated fatty acid contents by frying. When olive oil-and sunflower oil-fried sardines were used as the only protein and fat sources of rats-diets in order to prevent the dietary hypercholesterolemia it was provided that both fried-sardine diets showed a powerful check effect on the cholesterol raising effect induced by dietary cholesterol. The negative effect of feeding rats cholesterol plus bovine bile to induce hypercholesterolemia on some cell-damage markers such as lactate dehydrogenase, transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, was significantly check when olive oil- or sunflower oil-fired sardines were used in rats. However, gamma-glutamyltransferase increased when diets containing fried sardines from oils used several times for frying were consumed. In conclusion frying appears to be an useful tool to modify the fatty acid composition of food and the lipoprotein metabolism of consumers, however this culinary procedure has to be gently done to avoid high level of potential toxic compounds.


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Muñiz FJ, Cuesta C. Lipid metabolism in experimental animals. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 1998Aug.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];49(3-4):340-6. Available from:




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