Influence of fruit maturation process on the sensory quality of virgin olive oils from Picual, Hojiblanca and Picudo cultivars


  • B. Jiménez Herrera IFAPA Centro «Cabra»
  • A. Rivas Velasco Dpto. de Nutrición y Bromatología, Universidad de Granada
  • A. Sánchez-Ortiz IFAPA Centro «Venta del Llano»
  • M. L. Lorenzo Tovar Dpto. de Nutrición y Bromatología, Universidad de Granada
  • M. Úbeda Muñoz IFAPA Centro «Cabra»
  • R. M. Callejón Dpto. de Nutrición y Bromatología, Toxicología y Medicina Legal, Universidad de Sevilla
  • E. Ortega Bernaldo de Quirós Dpto. de Edafología y Química Agrícola, Universidad de Granada



Flavor, Ripening, Sensory quality, Virgin olive oil, Market preferences, Olive varieties


The sensory quality of virgin olive oil is closely correlated with the cultivar and the degree of ripening of the olive fruit. The aim of the present work was to investigate the influence of ripening degree on sensory profile of monovarietal virgin olive oils (VOO) in order to establish an optimum harvesting time. Fruit obtained from three different cultivars, Picual, Picudo and Hojiblanca were picked at nine different stages of ripeness. The quality parameters were evaluated and the sensory characteristics were determinate by a sensor panel. The analytical parameters decrease slightly in all cultivars. The evolution of the organoleptic characteristics of the virgin olive oil is reported and typical flavors are described for each cultivar. In all studied cultivar, “fruity” and “bitter” attributes decreased during the ripening and conversely “sweet” attribute increased. The results showed in this work could be considered useful for providing information about the evolution of sensory quality of virgin olive oils during ripening to obtain those based on market preferences.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Herrera B, Rivas Velasco A, Sánchez-Ortiz A, Lorenzo Tovar ML, Úbeda Muñoz M, Callejón RM, Ortega Bernaldo de Quirós E. Influence of fruit maturation process on the sensory quality of virgin olive oils from Picual, Hojiblanca and Picudo cultivars. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2012Dec.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];63(4):403-10. Available from:




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