Synthesis and antioxidant activity of two novel tetraphenolic compounds derived from toluhydroquinone and tertiary butylhydroquinone


  • Z. W. Jiang School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University
  • X. C. Weng School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University
  • Y. Huang School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University
  • J. P. Hou School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University
  • X. Y. Liao School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University



Antioxidant activity, Condensation reaction, DPPH, TBHQ, THQ


Two novel compounds bearing four hydroxyphenyl groups were synthesized by the acid-catalyzed condensation reaction of glyoxal with toluhydroquinone (THQ) or tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), respectively. The antioxidant activity of the newly synthesized compounds was assessed by the Rancimat test, a 2,2-diphenyl 1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay and reducing power assay. In the Rancimat antioxidant test using lard oil as substrate, the performance of two newly synthesized compounds was superior to TBHQ at 140 °C. It was suggested that two newly synthesized compounds can be used to improve the oxidative stability of lipid products during high temperature processing. With regard to the DPPH radical scavenging activity and reducing power, the performance of synthesized compounds was inferior to their mother compounds, respectively. The results show that the DPPH radical scavenging activity and reducing power of a compound did not correlate with its ability to retard lipid oxidation.


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How to Cite

Jiang ZW, Weng XC, Huang Y, Hou JP, Liao XY. Synthesis and antioxidant activity of two novel tetraphenolic compounds derived from toluhydroquinone and tertiary butylhydroquinone. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2014Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];65(2):e016. Available from:


