Physical and chemical characteristics of coroba ( Jessenia polycarpa Karst) fruit: a Venezuelan oleaginous specie


  • Douglas R. Belén-Camacho Universidad Simón Rodríguez, Núcleo Canoabo. Laboratorio de Biomoléculas
  • Saiver Herrera Universidad Simón Rodríguez, Núcleo Canoabo. Laboratorio de Biomoléculas
  • Alviomar Castillo Universidad Simón Rodríguez, Núcleo Canoabo. Laboratorio de Biomoléculas
  • Mario José Moreno-Álvarez Universidad Simón Rodríguez, Núcleo Canoabo. Laboratorio de Biomoléculas
  • David García Universidad Simón Rodríguez, Núcleo Canoabo. Laboratorio de Biomoléculas
  • Carlos Medina Universidad Simón Rodríguez, Núcleo Canoabo. Laboratorio de Biomoléculas



Coroba, Fat, Food, Oil, Oleaginous, Palmaceae


In this research, the structural and proximate compositions of the mature fruit of the coroba palm ( Jessenia polycarpa Karst) were evaluated. The fruits were harvested in Cuchivero, Cedeño Municipality , Bolívar state-Venezuela, in July 2003. The average weight of a whole fruit was 33.00 ± 5.21 g (P<0.05) and the major structural component was the endocarp (33.09 %), followed by epicarp (28.45 %), mesocarp or edible fraction (20.67 %) and seed (17.79 %). The seed showed major levels of fat (54.50 %) and protein (9.10 %), while in the mesocarp these values were 28.36 % and 2.89 %, respectively. Both components presented high contents of dietary fiber, calcium and phosphorus. Available carbohydrates were not found in the seed. On the other hand, mesocarp presented starch (42.16 %) with an amilose/amilopectin ratio of 1:24. The fatty acid composition showed lauric acid as the major fatty acid in the seed (45.00 %), while in the mesocarp the oleic acid was (45.46 %).


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How to Cite

Belén-Camacho DR, Herrera S, Castillo A, Moreno-Álvarez MJ, García D, Medina C. Physical and chemical characteristics of coroba ( Jessenia polycarpa Karst) fruit: a Venezuelan oleaginous specie. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2005Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];56(4):317-23. Available from:




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