The effect of replacing red palm stearin with red palm olein in baked potato cookies




Micronutrients, Oxidative stability, Potato, Red palm olein, Red palm stearin


Potato cookies were formulated by replacing red palm stearin (RPS) by red palm olein (RPOL) at 0, 17 and 35%, and then baked at 160, 180 and 200 °C for 10, 12 and 15 min. The sensory analysis, using an orthogonal test, showed that a RPS-RPOL ratio of 65:35, baking temperature of 160 ºC, and baking time 12 min were the optimal conditions. Cookies made from 65% RPS + 35% RPOL composition exhibited 0.6 times less squalene, but 1.5 times more β-carotene, tocopherols and tocotrienols than the mixture of RPS and RPOL at 100:0. In addition, cookies with superior oxidative stability were obtained at a lower temperature (160 ºC) and short baking time (10 min). This study demonstrates that the application of RPOL and RPS blending can positively enhance the nutritional properties and oxidative stability of baked food, and that using potato in the baking processing may be beneficial.


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How to Cite

Xu J, Liu Y, Olajide T, Liu H, Weng X. The effect of replacing red palm stearin with red palm olein in baked potato cookies. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2022Jun.22 [cited 2025Feb.23];73(2):e456. Available from:




Funding data

Malaysian Palm Oil Board
Grant numbers PORTSIM 054/2017