Preparation of human milk fat substitute and improvement of its oxidative stability




1,3-dioleoyl-2-palmitoylglycerol, Enzymatic interesterification, Human milk fat substitutes, Oxidative stability, Physical blending


1,3-Dioleoyl-2-palmitoylglycerol (OPO) was synthesized by enzymatic interesterification using palm stearin rich in tripalmitin (PPP) and ethyl oleate. Enzymatic interesterification parameters such as temperature, water content, enzyme load, and substrate molar ratio were optimized. High contents of C52 (primarily OPO and its isomeric compounds) production (46.7%) and sn-2 palmitic acid (PA) content of 75.3% were detected. In addition, OPO-human milk fat substitute (HMFS) was blended with coconut, soybean, algal and microbial oils at a weight ratio of 0.70:0.18:0.11:0.004:0.007 to simulate fatty acids in human milk fat (HMF) according to the mathematical model. The main and important fatty acids in the Final-HMFS were within the ranges of those present in HMF. The Final-HMFS could promote the absorption of fats and minerals and the development of retina tissues in infants. The mixture of L-ascorbyl palmitate (L-AP) and vitamin E (VE) resulted in a synergistic antioxidant effect both in OPO-HMFS and OPO-HMFS emulsions. This finding has great significance in improving the quality and extending shelf-life of HMFS.


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How to Cite

Liu H, Huang J, Olajide T, Liu T, Liu Z, Liao X, Weng X. Preparation of human milk fat substitute and improvement of its oxidative stability. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2023Mar.24 [cited 2025Feb.22];74(1):e495. Available from:


