Neural networks to formulate special fats


  • R. K. Garcia Laboratório de Óleos e Gorduras/FEA/UNICAMP
  • K. Moreira Gandra Laboratório de Óleos e Gorduras/FEA/UNICAMP
  • J. M. Block Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, CCA/UFSC
  • D. Barrera-Arellano Laboratório de Óleos e Gorduras/FEA/UNICAMP



Blending, Interesterified fats, Neural networks, Shortenings, Special fats


Neural networks are a branch of artificial intelligence based on the structure and development of biological systems, having as its main characteristic the ability to learn and generalize knowledge. They are used for solving complex problems for which traditional computing systems have a low efficiency. To date, applications have been proposed for different sectors and activities. In the area of fats and oils, the use of neural networks has focused mainly on two issues: the detection of adulteration and the development of fatty products. The formulation of fats for specific uses is the classic case of a complex problem where an expert or group of experts defines the proportions of each base, which, when mixed, provide the specifications for the desired product. Some conventional computer systems are currently available to assist the experts; however, these systems have some shortcomings. This article describes in detail a system for formulating fatty products, shortenings or special fats, from three or more components by using neural networks (MIX). All stages of development, including design, construction, training, evaluation, and operation of the network will be outlined.


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How to Cite

Garcia RK, Moreira Gandra K, Block JM, Barrera-Arellano D. Neural networks to formulate special fats. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2012Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];63(3):245-52. Available from:




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