Preparation of novel nanoemulsions from omega-3 rich oil




Emulsifier Concentration, Emulsifier Type, High Pressure Homogenization, Homogenization Conditions, Nanoemulsion


This work aimed to produce stabilized omega-3-rich oil in a water nanoemulsion using a high-pressure homogenizer (HPH). Studies were carried out on the effects of the type of the emulsifier and its con­centration, HPH conditions (pressure and number of passes inside the homogenization chamber) as well as continuous phase viscosity on the polydispersity index (PDI) and mean droplet size of the nanoemulsion were carried out. The impact of rosemary extract on the oxidative stability of the emulsion was also monitored. Results showed that small molecular weight emulsifiers gave small droplet size and vice versa. In addition, the results revealed that a parallel decrease in mean droplet diameter was observed with increases in emulsifier concentra­tion, homogenization cycles (passes) and homogenization pressure. Furthermore, when the viscosity of the aque­ous phase increased, a slight non-significant and irregular fluctuation in the droplet size was detected. The results demonstrated that rosemary extract enhanced the oxidative stability of this nanoemulsion. Our results could help in formulating stabilized omega-3-enriched nanoemulsions that could be applied in different food stuffs.


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How to Cite

Hamed SF, Abo-Elwafa GA. Preparation of novel nanoemulsions from omega-3 rich oil. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2020Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.24];71(2):e350. Available from:


