Characterization of apple seed oil with Denomination of Origin from Asturias, Spain


  • J. C. Bada Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias (CSIC)
  • M. León-Camacho Instituto de la Grasa (CSIC)
  • P. Copovi Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias (CSIC)
  • L. Alonso Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias (CSIC)



Apple, Fatty acids, Oils, Phospholipids, Sterols, Tocopherols, Triglycerides


The content and composition of lipids isolated from the seeds of seven apple species from Asturias (Spain) were characterized. The highest content in oil corresponded to Collao (22.73±0.81 g·100 g-1 of seed), followed by Raxao and Riega (20.19±0.74 g·100 g-1 of seed; 19.67±0.85 g·100 g-1 of seed), respectively. The linoleic acid was found to be the main component in Limón Montés (60.78±3.07%) followed by Riega (60.01±3.41%). Solarina seed oil was the one with the highest content in total sterols (558.52±9.42 mg·100 g-1 of oil) while Blanquina was the one that presents the lowest amount (166.55±1.89 mg·100 g-1 of oil). Phosphatidylcholine (70.58±3.85%) was found to be the main constituent in Blanquina followed by Collaos (55.55±2.96%). Raxao presented the highest content in β-tocopherol (125.29±12.62) and α-tocopherol was the most important tocopherol in Limón Montés (84.68±5.61 mg·kg-1 of oil). The main triglycerides were LLP (41.17±1.98-39.32±1.66%) followed by LLL (27.12±1.32−17.80±1.96%). Good separation among specie samples according to the statistical analysis of the principal component (PCs) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was obtained.


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How to Cite

Bada JC, León-Camacho M, Copovi P, Alonso L. Characterization of apple seed oil with Denomination of Origin from Asturias, Spain. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2014Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];65(2):e027. Available from:




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