Nutritional quality of the seed oil in thirteen Asphodeline species (Xanthorrhoeaceae) from Turkey


  • G. Zengin Department of Biology, Science Faculty, Selcuk University
  • A. Aktumsek Food Phytochemistry Department. Instituto de la Grasa (C.S.I.C.)
  • J. Girón-Calle Food Phytochemistry Department. Instituto de la Grasa (C.S.I.C.)
  • J. Vioque Food Phytochemistry Department. Instituto de la Grasa (C.S.I.C.)
  • C. Megías Food Phytochemistry Department. Instituto de la Grasa (C.S.I.C.)



Asphodeline, Fatty acid composition, Nutritional quality, Seed oil


The fatty acid composition of the seed oil from 13 Turkish Asphodeline species was analyzed. The seed oil content ranged between 0.9% and 4.6%, and included 26 different fatty acids from C12:0to C22:5. The most abundant saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids were C16:0 (5.7% to 23.7% of their total fatty acid content), C18:1ω9 (11.3% to 30.3%), and C18:2ω6 (49.2% to 66.1%). A. tenuior subsp. tenuiflora, which had the highest content of unsaturated fatty acids, also had the best fatty acid profile from a nutritional point of view. Asphodeline seed oil composition was similar to that of local, related vegetables such as onion seeds. Asphodeline species, which are most frequently grown to use the leaves in salads, may also be a good source of seed oil with good nutritional properties. Results of a cluster analysis using data on the fatty acid composition are consistent with the taxonomic classification of genus Asphodeline.


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How to Cite

Zengin G, Aktumsek A, Girón-Calle J, Vioque J, Megías C. Nutritional quality of the seed oil in thirteen Asphodeline species (Xanthorrhoeaceae) from Turkey. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2016Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];67(3):e141. Available from:




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