Chemical characterization and thermal properties of kernel oils from Tunisian peach and nectarine varieties of Prunus persica




DSC, Fatty acids, Kernel oils, Nectarine, Peach, Prunus persica, Triacylglycerols


A comparative study was conducted to determine the fatty acids, triacylglycerol compositions and thermal properties of Tunisian kernel oils from the Prunus persica varieties, peach and nectarine, grown in two areas of Tunisia, Gabes and Morneg. Qualitatively, the fatty acids composition and triacylglycerol species were identical for all samples. Oleic acid (67.7-75.0%) was the main fatty acid, followed by linoleic (15.7-22.1%) and palmitic (5.6-6.3%) acids. The major triacylglycerol species were triolein, OOO (38.4-50.5%), followed by OOL (18.2-23.2%), POO (8.3-9.7%) and OLL (6.3-10.1%). The thermal profiles were highly influenced by the high content of triolein due to the importance of oleic acid in these oils. Moreover, the fatty acids distribution in TAG external positions was determined as corresponding to an α asymmetry coefficient that was between 0.10 and 0.12, indicating a high asymmetry in the distribution of saturated fatty acids in the position sn-1 and sn-3 in the TAG species of all samples.


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How to Cite

Chamli D, Bootello MA, Bouali I, Jouhri S, Boukhchina S, Martínez-Force E. Chemical characterization and thermal properties of kernel oils from Tunisian peach and nectarine varieties of Prunus persica. Grasas aceites [Internet]. 2017Sep.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];68(3):e211. Available from:




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